Why work at Olympus Mobility?

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Already a connecting market leader as a start-up

Our ingenious mobility app enables you to switch seamlessly between private and public transport. You choose the best way to get around at any time of the day. To facilitate this, we are looking for commercial partners who – like us – want to help people to organise their mobility simply and efficiently. We create value for all by working together and combining our offerings.

A few words from colleagues

“In the post-corona era, I notice a boost in the demand for sustainable mobility among companies.”

Bert Van Molle – Sales & Marketing manager

The onboarding during corona went very smoothly. I noticed that after just a few weeks I already had a real impact.”

Kristof Adriaenssnes – IT architect

“Sustainable mobility has always been something I feel passionate about, and Olympus Mobility has helped me make a career out of it.”

Suzy De Bosscher – Operations manager

“Socially valuable and interesting job in a fun atmosphere, on top of mobility and IT. And in Ghent!”

Peter Van Geenhoven – CTO

“It’s great that I’m contributing to a product that is used by tens of thousands of people every day.”

Koen Van Boxstael – Software engineer

team of Olympus in Ghent